About the school

About the school

Who is it for?

The school will teach the principles of AO to those new to the field, such as PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, and provide a basic background to users of the technology.

How will it be taught?

The summer school will be taught in person with lectures by experts from across the different applications of AO, hands-on lab sessions, a simulation workshop, virtual lab tours across Europe social events and a poster/networking session. We also plan to offer virtual attendance for the lectures only.

What will be covered?

Lectures will cover topics building from introductions to wavefront sensing, correction, calibration and control to a complete AO system.  Lectures will be complemented by hands-on classes both on-bench and through simulation, giving participants the opportunity to ask questions and try out their newly acquired knowledge on a working AO system. A series of talks presented by experts in the field will also cover the latest research in AO and its applications. The school will also include a number of talks on topics such as equality, engagement and career development.

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