Welcome! Adaptive optics (AO) is developed and used in a range of application areas, from observing microscopic cells to distant galaxies. While the implementation and challenges are different between field, the basic principles of AO are common. This summer school aims to bring together students and researchers from across the range of AO domains to learn together and develop connections with one another.
Latest news The school will take place in 2024 at the Institute d'Optique in Paris from 3rd - 7th June. Please see our new website: https://sites.google.com/view/europeanaosummerschool/home
2023 School details
Plenary talk: Dr Kate Grieve Kate Grieve (see biometrics here) is research director and team leader at the Vision Institute (Paris) and scientific director of the "Paris Eye Imaging" ocular imaging unit at the Quinze Vingts National Ophthalmology Hospital (Paris). She is also president and founder of startup SharpEye, is an expert in optical imaging. Her research aims to develop non-invasive optical measurements of retinal cell structure and function in the living human eye, as well as in cell cultures in the lab. This development contributes to significantly improving the diagnosis and monitoring of ophthalmological pathologies, as well as to evaluating the results of innovative therapies. She was recently awarded a prestigious 5 year ERC Consolidator Grant, the “ilab” innovation award, the “Jean Jerphagnon” prize for innovation in optics and the “Innovators Prize” of the Ile-de-France region.
VLT demo Dr Johann Kolb will run through a demonstration of the AO system that is used at the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope at Cerro Paranal in Chile.
You can view the live webcams at the VLT here: https://www.eso.org/public/outreach/webcams/ and the regularly updated night-time view here: https://www.eso.org/public/archives/static/allsky/latest/preset_101.jpg
Johann Kolb's biography Johann Kolb is an Adaptive Optics Physicist at the European Southern Observatory in Garching near Munich, Germany. He is working on the design and testing of new AO systems for Astronomy at the VLT and the ELT.
Industry demos Demos of instruments and components from Imagine Eyes, ALPAO, Voptica, Dynamic Optics and Phaseform will take place live. An original opportunity to meet these companies that are at the forefront of technology and to learn more about their activities!
Lab tours Astronomy
Careers paths panel discussion We will be joined by a panel from a range of backgrounds i and across a range of AO application areas. They will tell us about their experiences, and you will have chance to ask them questions and hear their advice.
Anne Costille - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille Elisabeth Brunner - MedUni Vienna María Viñas Peña - Institute of Optics, Spanish National Research Council John Girkin - Centre for Advanced Instrumentation, Durham University
Pre-recorded content A number of pre-recorded lectures will be available during the summer school:
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